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September 11th, 2001

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 what i awoke to...
Posted by: Amanda from Warren, Ohio
Sunday March 24, 2002 @ 09:46 PST

i woke up around 11:00 am on september 11, 2001, as i staggered into the living room trying to get awake i looked at the t.v. and saw a lot of commotion. i didn't know what to think at first. my dad was sitting there trying to explain what was going on to me, just then the second plane hit the tower. i was in shock, i thought oh my god, we are being attacked! i cried hysterically for a few hours, then i realized that my good friend was flying out of boston that day. so i got on the phone and called him, but i just got his machine. so i left a frantic message and waited for him to call back, which he did a few hours later. he said his flight was for later in the day and he wasn't going anywhere now. i was so relieved. i then called my best friend who lives in cleveland (they had bomb threats at cleveland international airport also) she lives close to the airport. she said everything was fine. my story isnt full of almosts and what could have beens but its a real look at what normal people were doing on 9-11. god bless america! let's roll!