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September 11th, 2001

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Posted by: Madison from Dallas
Tuesday March 05, 2002 @ 07:57 PST

it was a late morning at the episcopal school of dallas. all of us were waiting to go to our 4th period rotation classes. at the time, i had drama with ms.cardwell. we began to do our daily warmup stretches and she walked in a few minutes after everyone else as usual. she had a very sad look on her face and everyone wondered why. she said, "does anybody know why everyone is acting a little unusual today?" noone knew. she told us to get "quiet" and listen to her. my friends in class asked why all the teachers during 3rd period were acting so upset. she said that an unknown terrorist organazation has planed the most gruesome, most upsetting, most violent attack in america's history. she said that two planes were hijacked, then some sort of militia or army forced the passengers to get into the wtc towers, then they bombed it. her words were almost precise as to the events of september-11-2001. my mother had lunch duty that day, so i asked her about it. she said that two planes were hijacked, and then crashed into the twin towers. later that day, i found out four planes were hijacked, two crashed into the twin towers, one crashed into the pentagon, and one crashed in a field 83 miles due north of pitsburgh. the planes were later found out to be hijacked by afghani and arabian extremestes named the al-qayda terrorist organazation. the man behind these attacks is a man named osama bin muhhamed bin laden; aka "the priest."