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September 11th, 2001

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 one of a million stories
Posted by: Marc Monasterio from Philadelphia
Sunday February 17, 2002 @ 03:47 PST

at the time of the attacks, i was working in my hosptials' operating room, right outside of philadelphia. i was coming in from getting something out of my car, and i overheard a woman being hysterical on her cellphone. as i crossed her path, i heard her exclaim that a plane had just crashed in to tower 1. i thought she was kidding, but i thought, what kind of sick person would say something like that. i then procedded to make my way into the patient waitng room, only to watch a second plane crash into tower 2. i was standing there in awe with the v.p. of the hospital. we looked at each other with complete disbelief. i ran back to the o.r. and called my mother. i called her because, she is a flight attendant for continental airlines based out of newark. at the time, i did not know which airline it was that had crashed, so immediately i began to worry. thank god my mother was at home when i called. she had just come home from a trip that was supposed to end in the capital, but she changed her schedule to be home one day earlier. in the long run the nation needs to pull together and support each other in this time of great tragedy. as well as needing to support the men and women of the nypd and the fdny, who fought for the safety of americans and people of other lands. i recently moved to albuquerque, new mexico from pa, and i have bought a fdny hat to show my support. i wear it proud. if i do not have it on, it adorns the rear window of my car for all to see.
truly an american,
marc monasterio
god bless america!