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September 11th, 2001

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  my story...
Posted by: Charles Baggett from Satellite Beach, Fl
Saturday February 09, 2002 @ 10:51 PST

i live in florida, but i'm sure everyone agrees the world shrank that day. it's not too different from others. i left the house roughly about the same time the first plane hit, so i didn't know about the attack until just before the second plane hit. i got stuck in traffic, and the cd i was listening to got boring, so i turned on the radio. they were just coming back from a break and they said that a plane had hit the tower and what a horrific accident that was. i just couldn't help but wonder how an accident happens like that, but right after that they choked out that a second plane had hit the second tower. after that we all knew it wasn't an accident. i got to work just before the third plane hit the pentagon. i worked in a mall at the time, so i ran to our radio shack to see if anything was on the tv's there, but the satellite link was "down." funny it worked fine the day before and the day after... let me tell you the worst of the reports i heard, true and untrue: the four confirmed planes(2 new york, 1 washington, 1 pennsylvania); a reported car bomb going of in the washington mall; two planes inbound from europe went silent suddenly, prompting jets to be scrambled after them; not to mention the sudden attack on anybody who even remotely looked arabic; gun sales skyrocketing; the housing unit i live on (off-base housing) suddenly has barricades and armed guards at the two entrances; gun nests set up at the gates of any military installation and sam sites set up at the end of runways. the state road running next to the base was closed off by the military for 3 1/2 months. all in a matter of six hours. someone asked me what was going on at one point, guess they hadn't heard everything i did. "armageddon" was all i could say. when i got home and finally saw what happened, about the only thing that proved false was the car bomb and the european jets.
afterward, the surge of patriotismwas rampant. i'm sure you all know that. let me ask you this question: why did it take 3000 people to die for us to love america again? seems like an expensive deal to me.