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September 11th, 2001

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 why it had to happen?
Posted by: Jeff Cates from Flint, MI
Tuesday February 05, 2002 @ 05:24 PST

i know it is been almost five months now since our nation was hit with this tragic event, yet i still have to voice my opinion on this matter.

i was born and raised in flint, michigan. i am a good old american made man. and i love this country and what it stands for. but i have a question. after world war ii when the united states decided to become a world cop was that the moment that led to these horrible attacks on our nation. most anti-american feelings come from the fact that we put our red, white and blue nose into everybody's business and happenings. i understand that as being the most powerful and prosperous country in this small world, many countries will look to us for support. i also understand that as being americans we are look up to in many parts of the world as being an almost savior for many peoples facing oppression from their government or other powerful groups in their area of living. but i as an american believe we should look back to the time of woodrow wilson and teddy roosevelt and go back to isolationism. in my mind isolationism is not the answer to stop these things from happening but i do believe it is a good start. i know that the man responsible for these attacks is saying he did it because of his religious beliefs. yet if we kept to our selves and only worried about what is going on at home then i believe that these attacks may have been less devastating and tragic if they even happened at all. i know there will always be a threat to this nation because we fight for freedom and many people around the world are afraid of that. but i say let us start that walk down the path to isolationism again and i feel that if we can do that we just might feel safer as a country.