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September 11th, 2001

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 i would have been there...
Posted by: Natalia from New York City
Saturday December 15, 2001 @ 12:23 PST

i woke up that morning about an hour early and couldn't go back to sleep. i decided to do some excersices to kill some time. i was still really early for school. i got dressed and decided to go to the world trade center and sit by the waterside, like i always did when i was bored and had nothing else to do. something made me stay home. i don't know what. i always went to the wtc..i mean always. i was there about 3 or 4 times a week minimum. my mom worked right across the street. she had the most awesome view of the towers from her job. i decided to study for a bio quiz. wow!! bio saved my life. did you know..the exact time all this was going on..i would have been there. if not outside of the wtc, then directly in it. well anyway, i left my house after studying at about 8:30 am. i got to school ('m a senior @ brooklyn tech) and there was huge puff of bladk smoke in the sky. i saw some friends and asked what was going on. they said a plane had just hit the world trade center. i thought it was an accident. i was so worried though. i didn;t feel good at all. i walked into the school to meet my boyfriend. he worked at the wtc on the 103rd floor..after school and on weekends. i got him from class and we headed tothe auditorium where they told us to go if we had family in the wtc or around there. thats when i knew something was terribly wrong. our cell phones didn't work. neither did the tv in school. what happened? we turned on the radio..and they told us. both towers had been hit. i was going crazy. i tried to call my mom's work #, only to get a busy signal. it still hurts to think about that day. my bofriend works for cantor fitzgerald. located on floors 101-105 of tower one. his cousin is the executive of espeed. luckily, he went fishing that day. so many stories intertwined into one that day. i hadn't heard from my mother for the whole day. she was rescued and taken to nj. i saw her the following day. she was bruised and visibly shaken. all she did was cry. she couldn't sleep for weeks. this touched everyone so deeply. excuse my language but we need to show those f***ers some common courtesy. they won't get away with this. 5,000 families were scarred from this. how many children sat at home waiting for mommy or daddy to come home and find out that they never would? how many people died just becase they were doing their jobs, being peaceful, not bothering anyone. well that day, 5,000 people were killed. thats 5,000 times we have to show the taliban what we're made of...