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September 11th, 2001

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 not just us
Posted by: Rachel from Rusk
Sunday December 09, 2001 @ 09:31 PST

i live in a small town in east texas, and while i feel great sorrow and pain for all the people affected by that horrible act of hate, i can't begin to imagine what they have suffered. being from such a small town i feel safe and protected. i guess you could say that it's not fair that i didn't have to go through what all of you went through that tragic day, but i know that it's all part of god's plan for all of us. i am deeply hurt that people from the other side of the world can have so much hate for a nation under god. it makes me wonder what this world is coming to. all you can do in a time like this is pray. not just for our nation alone, but pray for the world. even though osama bin laden may be the most hated man in america, he is still one of god's children, and we should pray that he know's god as his savior so that when he meets his end he will go home to god. if god can love him and forgive him then i think we can too. pray for all the families and service men that are in america and afghanistan. i know that i may not seem like a have much american pride, but i do, i am just looking at this from a christian point of view. after all, if we all looked at it this way, none of this would have happened in the first place. it's a sad day when we have to kill to feel power, and what is it all about? i just hope that all of you who read this realize that as american's we aren't the only one's suffering, we just took a hard blow. so when you are lying down to go to sleep or in church on sunday morning or even when you just have a quiet moment to yourself...i encourage you to pray for the world in this time of need. every prayer is heard and every pray means a great deal. so don't be afraid to pray for the enemy as well as the "good guys" as we see ourselves. god bless you all!
*in christ*
*rachel joseph*
rusk, texas