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September 11th, 2001

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 safe place
Saturday December 08, 2001 @ 10:57 PST

i was with my mother at a court house when i heard the news of the first plane. a lawyer walked in and said casually,"some idiot flew a plane into one of the w.t.c. towers." i thought it had been an accident and i was 3 year old son was at home with my father and grandmother. we left and as we got to the grocery store it was as if everyone was in a zombie state. we heard the news broadcast from the back of the store saying that a second plane had hit. my mother suggested that we get home immediately with water and canned foods. when we got almost to our home i tuned in to our local news radio station. the announcer stated in a panic,"we repeat, if you are just tuning in, both of the world trade centers have fallen. they are both crumbled to the ground and gone!" my mother and i looked at one another and tears welted up in our eyes. at that exact moment i thought that the end of the world had come. all of the stories in the bible had become true. we reached home and my father and grandmother just looked at us with tears in their eyes. i had never seen my father cry before this day. i held my son close and comforted him. by the time we had gotten home both of my sisters had called in a panic asking if we could pick up their children. after we left the house we split up and got a total of 7 children out of school, watching the sky the whole time for the other plane that was missing. it was such a clear day. when we reached a school that my nephew went to i looked around and scouted out exits. it's amazing how fast our survival skills kick in when something tragic happens. nothing like this. it was like slow motion when i turned to look at the school doors, there was a whirl wind of leaves blowing in a tornado like pattern. i was so scared and numb. we gathered up all of the family and watched in aww as we saw history being made right infront of us. to this day my son asks about the planes and if we should be afraid of them. it seems like there will never be a safe place again. if you think about it, there never really was... was there?