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September 11th, 2001

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 God Bless America
Posted by: Diana M. from Houston
Friday November 16, 2001 @ 11:18 PST

on 9/11/01 i was driving with my sister on our way to work (we work together), and when we got to the office @ 8:00 central time, it had already happened. people were running out to target across the street and buying tv's. others were on the phone calling friends or relatives in nyc or those who were flying at that time.
i remember i watched as the towers collapsed and i thought about all those people still inside. i wanted to cry.
we got dismissed (we work in a skyscraper) shortly afterwards and rushed home. everywhere people were rushing home to be with their loved ones. i kept thinking about my husband, a marine, in a north carolina base, and thought about him being in danger, so i was driving and crying and people were being so polite everywhere.
i got home and stayed in bed all day watching the news. i remember my 2 yr old daughter came in the room and saw the plane hit the building on tv and she said : ooooh plane fall down! i just looked at her and wondered how can i possibly explain to her that there are people that want us all dead just because we are american. one of the sailors that died in the pentagon lived in my neighborhood and went to high school with my sister. i pass his house every day and i think about him and pray for him. i think about all these people every day. i think about our men and women overseas and about all the policemen and firefighters that always put their lives on the line for us.
god bless all of the people lost in these attacks, and their families as well.
god bless all of us and god bless america. we will stand strong and united and proud.