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September 11th, 2001

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 "United We Stand"
Posted by: Kristin from Wichita Falls, Texas
Wednesday November 14, 2001 @ 12:32 PST

9-11-01 was my 20th birthday. i woke up thinking that i would be happy..and enjoy the day i was born with my family and friends. i was wrong. instead of blowing out candles for my day.... i cried...and mourned for fellow americans and their lives that were taken away. i was hurt and couldnt be selfish...... so to this day i still havent celebrated my birthday. how can i??? i know it wasn't my fault.. yet...that date is terrible. texas isn't new york..or washington yet we were affected.....and deeply care. if anyone out there needs a friend..or needs to just talk, im here for you. just please e- mail me. i did find a way to calm myself.....and regroup. i wrote a poem for all americans ... i hope you'll enjoy.

"united we stand"

september 11, 2001 a day that america will never
it was a day that our nations' strength was tested
and our targets were hit.
we are the "united states" 50 that are accounted for.
they tried to defeat 2 of them and they lack 48 more.
they tried to leave a message and maybe prove a
point, a message that was misused with planes in our
that message has back fired, now the fear is in their
americans know that we hurt.
americans know that it's okay to cry.
americans know through this, that we will survive.
what happened was not justice, it was unfair, it
was wrong.
from their mistakes and weakness we will remain
we now have heroes.
we now must fight.
shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand...
americans will unite.
"united we stand"

by: kristin skates 20,tx 9/15/01