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September 11th, 2001

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 While I Was Dreaming
Posted by: Kathryn from Napa
Monday November 05, 2001 @ 10:16 PST

police, ambulances, national warnings of possible terrorist attacks on all buildings of governmental affiliation. my mom screaming for me to get away from all the windows and hide my face because i was an american. they would want to kill me because of my freedom. because of my liberty. then before i knew it i woke up and it was my birthday and i was nineteen. one week and one day after my birthday, i was waking up in the morning to get ready for work, when my mom came into my room and told me the most horrific story i had ever heard. a plane flew into the world trade center. what is going on? where am i? who am i? what am i doing in bed when thousands of people are fleeing for their lives? my first reaction, was of the fact that i was still dreaming. how could this happen? never in a million years would i have guessed that this was a terrorist attack. maybe, just maybe, a malfunction at it's worst. the word terrorist or the thought of terror never crossed my mind. being of such little life experience and not having survived a war of much magnitude, body counts are incomprehensible. terrorism is something that happens in movies, books and foreign countries. now i feel it. i feel it when i watch the news, when i look around on the internet and when i simply can't think of anything else. terrorism, hatred, and fear are in my heart. not knowing if every person you love is safe. not knowing if you can ever feel safe again. what a tragedy.