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September 11, 2001

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 what i did on 9/11/01
Posted by: Erin Somerville from W. Lafayette, IN
Friday February 08, 2002 @ 12:54 PST

i live in indiana. this seems far away from new york city, but on 9/11, i felt closer than ever.
i saw the news before i went to school, becuase my dad was watching cnn, like he always does in the morning. we were taking i-step tests that day, but our teachers let us watch the news during breaks. no one could concentrate on the tests.
once i got home, i saw my dad crying. dad never cried. he said watching the towers falling was the most awful thing he ever saw. i watched the news until 11:00 at night. i tried to cry, but no tears would come out. i was still in shock. the next day i cried all day.
9/11 affected me in many ways. i began to cry every time i saw a picture of the wtc, but that is getting better now. once for an english project, we had to make a scrapbook. a scrapbook lady came to talk to us, and brought some of her own scrapbooks with her. some of them had pictures of the wtc in them. i started to cry, and had to be excused. i was so embarassed.
some of my friends think i am more serious now. a lot of them stopped being my friends. i switched schools. i now go to a much better, more liberal and multi-cultural school. things are much better now. i know we can overcome this, because we are america!

---erin, age 13

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