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September 11, 2001

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Posted by: Michael Burglund from Manchester, NH
Thursday January 10, 2002 @ 12:06 PST

strangest thing. you never know what is going to happen when you wake up in the morning. i was sleeping when the first plane hit the tower. i was awakened to the yells of my roommates in the other room. one of them burst in the room and turned on the tv. as he did, the second plane smacked into the second tower. i thought he was putting on a movie and i told him to turn it off, and he was like, "no dude! we're being attacked!" it was the scariest thing i have ever lived through. we were all glued to the tv watching what was going on. kids who don't pay any attention to the tv were walking by our door and seeing us inside and hearing what was going on. they were so shocked. none of us went to class that day. a few hours after the initial attacks, my friends and i went outside to smoke a cigarette and as i stood there, i noticed something. i told everyone to be quiet and listen. one of my friends said, "what? i don't hear a thing." i said, "exactly." it was the second scariest thing i've experienced. there was nothing in the air. no planes, no helicopters, nothing. it was so strange. and for days after, the same thing. never have lived through something like that. it has forever changed my life and i am more proud than ever to be an american. god bless the usa.

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