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September 11, 2001

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Posted by: Cathleen from Louisiana
Monday November 05, 2001 @ 08:32 PST

i woke up that morning and had a seat on my living room couch as usual, and when i turned on the tv the attack had not happened yet. it was about 5 min into the morning news when all of the sudden they pause and ponder. it was the longest pause i had ever experienced. finally, they announced that the wtc 1 had been hit by a plane and showed actual footage of the plane hitting. i was so devistated that i could barely catch my breath. i thought to myself, "all those innocent people". i may live 1000 miles away, but the impact of that day was felt even as far south as i am. those victims and families continue to be in may prayers and i hope that the responsible parties are put to justice very soon.

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